Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Doggie Day

Mack Hall

A Doggie Day

When leaving for work, one wishes the dogs
A good and useful day at their own jobs:
Barking the cats, sniffing the summer breeze,
Snort-snuffling through the grass, yapping at birds,
Lolling in the sun, doggie-tummies up,
In celebration of God’s creation.
They suffer no meetings and file no reports,
And when they hear that long-familiar step,
Or that happy whistle at the back gate,
They run to have their daily work approved:
A pat, a scratch, a tickle under the chin,
A well-tossed yummie treat caught in mid-air.
The good old dog looks up, and seems to ask
“Good old human, was your day as happy as mine?”

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