Saturday, October 27, 2018

On Refusing to MAGAbomb One's Self - poem

Lawrence Hall

On Refusing to MAGAbomb One’s Self

In the midst of a world of light and love, of song and feast and dance,
he could find nothing more interesting to think of than his own prestige.

-C. S. Lewis, A Preface to Paradise Lost

Just look into the mirror, and there you are
Could lose a little weight, but there - you are
You comb your hair, you brush your teeth, and then
You should always remember to make a face

And laugh

For you are not a sloganed comrade-hat
Nor yet a shadow in a marching mob
A noise, a post, a bumper-stickered oaf
An obedient tool being pushed about


You are not a tagged and labeled identity
But a true child of God, brave, loving, and free

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