Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Poem Slouching Like a Civilian - poem

Lawrence Hall

Slouching Like a Civilian

From an idea suggested by Robert Graves in
On English Poetry

I. Thesis

Formalist poetry to attention stands
In ordered meters, ranks and files and lines
Of scansion as determined by disciplined minds
And set in place through skillful strategy

II. Antithesis

Other poetry slouches indolently, insolently with its louche trilby askew
Sleeping late, smoking cigarettes,
                                                        sauntering off
                                                                                  for a beer
Through scansion as admitted by the heart or the pancreas or something
And seldom set in place at all unless it just sort of happens

III. A Perhaps Unnecessary but Useful Conjunction


IV. Synthesis

All poems ramble the same neighborhood
In quest of the true, the beautiful, the good

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