Sunday, August 8, 2021

Does Your Dog Carry its Hunting License? Weekly column, 8 August 2021


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Does Your Dog Carry its Hunting License?


Around dusk one day last week Astrid-the-Wonder-Dachshund was struck during a scrap with a snake, leading to several days of pain and grotesque swelling for the pup.


We immediately gave the dog a couple of eyedroppers of liquid Benadryl, which we keep for that purpose, and after a rough night took Astrid to Dr. Leah. With injections and take-home meds, the dog improved rapidly and is back to her usual spoiled, demanding, insolent, dachshund self.


In the light of day I found a scrap of snake skin (Astrid’s pal Luna-Dog is a mighty warrior, and takes no prisoners) and identified the reptile as a copperhead, one of the most common of poisonous pit vipers.


I looked up copperheads on the InterGossip and learned that “The copperhead is not a protected species in Texas and can be legally collected with a hunting license” [Southern Copperhead (A Guide to Snakes of Southeast Texas) ·iNaturalist].


Luna-Dog does not have a hunting license. I have one, but I never thought it was necessary for killing an unprotected species whose bite can be fatal to children and small animals, and in some circumstances to an adult [Can a Copperhead Snake Kill a Human? (].


What committee of the ill-educated whose knowledge of animals comes only from Disney cartoons decided that a hunting license is necessary before protecting children and pets from a dangerous snake?


As the overworked, overtaxed, and underpaid boatman says to Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons, “whoever makes the regulations doesn’t row a boat.”


I had looked up the species of snake for my own safety’s sake because the Wise Ones in Austin sometimes seem to care more for the wellbeing of alligators and some deadly snakes than they do for our children. The copperhead, happily, is not protected except for the necessity of a hunting license and so I am free to congratulate Luna-Dog for killing the beast.


Another article on the InterGossip detailed ways of live-trapping copperheads and other poisonous snakes so that they can be relocated to the wild.


Yes, Friend Reader, I’m thinking the same thing as you. Saint Matthew says that we shouldn’t call anyone a fool, but apparently there are exceptions.


Recently some of our Austin Wise Ones avoided their duties and fled to D. C., purportedly because they felt (hardly thought) that the right to vote is endangered in Texas. Two of these Wise Ones then decided to work courageously for Texas on the beaches of Portugal [Where in the world are Texas Democrats Julie Johnson and Jessica González? (] and  [2 Texas Democratic legislators are vacationing in Portugal after fleeing the state over GOP elections bill: report (].


And if that isn’t the good old fighting spirit of Texas, I don’t know what is.


Perhaps while they are fighting the good fight in Portugal for the rights of Texans they will also spare a thought for correcting some of our fatally misguided game laws.


Ours, not Portugal’s.




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