Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe's E-Reader - poem (of sorts)

Lawrence Hall

Edgar Allan Poe’s E-Reader

Once upon a night shift dreary, while I pondered bleak and beery,
Over many a quaint and curious download of forgotten lore,
While I zoned out, nearly winking, suddenly there came a blinking,
As of something gently clinking, clinking at my website door.
'Tis some skimmer," I muttered, "hacking through my coded door -
Only this, and nothing more."

Quote the Raven: “Thank you for your recent payment of $171.12 to your Viasat Internet account. To set up automatic payments, please log into your account, click on the Billing & Payments tab, then the Payment Method sub-tab, and update your payment method accordingly. As part of the Viasat customer agreement, we require a valid payment method on file for monthly payments. If you haven’t logged into your account yet, you will need your account number: (666). If you have any questions or need help, try utilizing one of our self-service tools.”

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