Friday, February 28, 2020

Coronavirus, and Yet... - poem in the virus-time

Lawrence Hall

Coronavirus, and Yet…

Coronavirus - and yet the azaleas
Appear to leap into the morning light
Laughing against the latest northern winds
Who drive the cold and the shoaling liveoak leaves

Coronavirus - and yet the azaleas
Merrily prophesy the coming spring
For even now the naughty bees seek out
Soft open petals for their rites of love

Coronavirus - and yet when I die
I will live, and the azaleas will leap


W.k.kortas said...

This is the only thing about this damn virus that I have actually wanted to read.

Lawrence Hall, HSG said...


The American people have stopped buying Corona beer because, like, you know, like, Corona, they are apparently attacking anyone who looks vaguely Chinese, they are demanding that their fellow citizens be banned from returning to the U.S.A., but they won't wash their hands.