Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Hunting Camp - poem


Lawrence Hall





The Hunting Camp


He yaf nat of that text a pulled hen,

That seith that hunters ben nat hooly men


-Chaucer, Prologue, 177-178


Friday evening


The merry fellowship of the hunting camp

In the golden time is one of autumn’s joys

Unpacking by the light of a kerosene lamp

Where men for a weekend are once again boys


Saturday morning, I


Up before dawn, already the coffee’s made

The ground seems harder than it did last year

Is that poison ivy where my head was laid?

Pour me a cuppa that caffeinated cheer!


Saturday morning, II


With my ancient Enfield I walk the trails

I really don’t want to see Bambi today

Along the creek as the mist unveils

Folk memories and idylls are my only prey


Saturday afternoon


I rest in the shade of the forest eaves

Quite at peace, here where I want to be

The smoke from my pipe drifts through the leaves

I hope the First Peoples’ spirits will sit with me


Saturday night


No one got a deer today – that’s good hearing

I think we were all okay with that

Cards and jokes and talk in our little clearing

The occasional flythrough by a Mexican bat


Sunday morning


As it was in the beginning of boyhood

As it is now that we are old men

Our world must end, but for others great good

In the sacred woods of the Lord - amen


My concept of hunting is a stroll through the woods with my 1905 Lee-Enfield.

I have never shot a deer.

I have never shot at a deer.

I will never shoot at a deer.

If God had meant me to eat a deer He wouldn't have invented Denny's.

Feral hogs are a different matter. 

Camping with the guys and sitting around the fire with pipes and cigars and tin cups of Jack Daniel's (AFTER EVERY FIREARM HAS BEEN CLEANED AND STOWED AWAY) and swapping old stories and bad jokes - that's one of the best things in life.

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