Friday, November 4, 2022

Tolkien's Shelob the Spider - poem


Tolkien’s Shelob the Spider


“…a great malice bent upon him…gloating over…prey trapped beyond all hope of escape.”


-Tolkien, The Two Towers


A poisonous lump of flesh in malignant repose

Her lair all befouled with scraps of souls

In life sought out with her multiplex eyes

Her Sauron-eyes - it was the hopes that died first


Should a sunbeam shine in, it would be darkened

Should a breath of air waft in, it would be poisoned

Should a sprig of green appear, it would be withered

Should a prayer be whispered, it would be cursed


A poisonous lump of flesh in malignant repose

Within whose realm of hate nothing ever grows


(allusions to The Two Towers and Beowulf)

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