Saturday, October 14, 2023

(Untitled / flashback to Viet-Nam / not for publication)


93.  14 October 2023, Saturday in Ordinary Time


Lawrence Hall, HSG

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Flashback (not for publication)



Domestic carnage now filled all the year

With Feast-days; the old Man from the chimney nook,

The Maiden from the bosom of her Love,

The Mother from the Cradle of her Babe,

The Warrior from the Field – all perish’d, all


Wordsworth, The Prelude, 1805-1806, Book X, 356-360


We busy ourselves in our accustomed ways:

Dishes to wash, the still-green lawn to be mowed

The vacuum cleaner to annoy the household pup

A book, a chair, a reverie, a glass of tea


But then


The evening news is the call of our conscience

The evening news is a long-ago call-back

With offerings in two senses only

Tastefully muted sounds and filtered visuals




The concussions, the stench, the stickiness of blood, the dust on our lips, the screams we deny, the tears we swallow the impossible pulse that makes breathing gasping hyperventilating fragments stinging the skin concussions concussions concussions make them stop make it all stop running running running over there drag him to the ditch hurry hurry hurry you can treat him there he’s dead his eyes are open to the gravel go back again hurry hurry hurry breathe breathe breathe


Why is this happening again why is this happening again




That child is dead


Stop it


What’s that? A dead soldier. He is so small


Stop it


So many bodies, shrunken into their clothes

A still-clawed arm sticking out from a bundle



Dead bodies fuzzed out on the evening news

Non-combatant commandos channeling their views

And darling little undergrads shrieking, “Death to the Jews”

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