Wednesday, May 8, 2024

We Can't Take Our Books with Us When We Die - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


We Can’t Take Our Books with Us When We Die


Ecce nova facio omnia. Et dixit mihi: Scribe quia hic verba fidelissima sunt, et vera. 

-Apocalypsis XXI:V


We can’t take our books with us when we die

That reality shouldn’t bother me, but it does:

The copy of The Brothers Karamazov

I carried in Viet-Nam – off to a re-sale shop?


But God is the Word from Whom all blessings flow

And since He is the Word, all our books are His

How foolish of us if we fear that God

Has made no proper arrangements for them


Books are eternal


Great blessings in paper and ink and page and leaf

For learning and leisure and wisdom and belief

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