Thursday, September 19, 2024

Move the Metaphor; Move the Needle - short poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Moving the Metaphor


“Moving the needle” isn’t moving anymore

As a metaphor it is out of the groove


Although politics are spinning at 78

The needle is quite worn down, and so am I

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

If Mr. Vance Says You Ate Someone's Pet Cat Then Obviously You ate Someone's Pet Cat - not really a poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


If Mr. Vance Says You Ate Someone’s Pet Cat

Then Obviously You Ate Someone’s Pet Cat



“Show me the man and I will show you the crime”


-many attributions, usually to Lavrentia Beria, sometimes to Stalin



"In Springfield, they're eating the dogs…They're eating the cats.

They're eating the pets of the people that live there.”


-Presidential candidate Donald Trump, 10 September 2024



"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do." 


-Vice presidential candidate J. D. Vance on CNN, Sunday, 15 September 2024



Little children in school are threatened with bombs


Because someone said that someone said

That someone ate someone else’s pet cat


Patients in hospitals are threatened with bombs


Because someone said that someone said

That someone ate someone else’s pet cat


City office workers are threatened with bombs


Because someone said that someone said

That someone ate someone else’s pet cat


A Lutheran university is threatened with bombs


Because someone said that someone said

That someone ate someone else’s pet cat


A few Proud Boys [sic] stumble around in the street


Because two Heroic Men of Destiny said

That someone ate someone else’s pet cat

Monday, September 16, 2024

I’m Proud of My Childless Cat Lady Daughter - two lines to rebuke certain stuffy old politicians

 Lawrence Hall, HSG


I’m Proud of My Childless Cat Lady Daughter


Some call her a childless cat lady

At work the staff call her “Doctor”

The Terrifying Creepy Chilling Iconic Sniper’s Lair - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Terrifying Creepy Chilling Iconic Sniper’s Lair


Some call it the sniper’s lair, some the sniper’s nest

Some call it a creepy lair

Some surely call it chilling and iconic

Because to InterGossip posters everything

Is chilling, iconic, jaw-dropping, and a bombshell


It’s just a sad, sagging old chain-link fence

With some sad old man’s wannabe G.I. Jerk

Army wannabe soldier-toys hanging from it

The Kalashjackov was real enough

The poor fool’s mind, not so much

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Runes Recently Discovered - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG

Runes Recently Discovered


We have mysterious runic messages still

Appearing this morning – there, on the road – see them?

Some say these irregular scrawls mark utilities

But you know, there are Wee Folk in these woods



15 September 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024

If Li-Po Were my Houseguest - quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG


If Li-Po Were my Houseguest


If Li-Po were my houseguest tonight

I’d probably have to drag him inside

After he’d been drinking to the moon’s silver light

And heave him into his bed with a gentle chide

We Don't Understand, But We Hope - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


We Don’t Understand, But We Hope


We don’t understand it, but we hope in it

The change from that which is to that which isn’t

Or is the change back again and no change at all

Which maybe means the blood and pain remain


We recline in a rented banquet room

We follow in fear along a narrow street

We watch in horror upon a death-haunted hill

We are called to an empty tomb which isn’t empty


We are called to a dented Cup which also isn’t empty

(Maybe $200 at the church supply store)

Cradling a Mystery from before time

A plate of bread that looks like bread but isn’t


The Altar is where the arc of history bends




Who among the servers did the dishes

And did she accidentally drop a Cup?


(That part’s not important)

Friday, September 13, 2024

I Had a Flat Tire Along the Silk Road - not-a-Tang-quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG


I Had a Flat Tire Along the Silk Road


A bandit-princess stole my trail-lost heart

To play with carelessly one idle day

She teased me a road sketched on her magic chart

But I had a flat tire along the way

In reading Li Po (variant pronunciations and spellings in English) and others, and trying to understand Tang quatrains, well, I don’t understand much. The forms and content are so varied as to make the term almost undefinable to my simple English soul. But nature, irony, loss, and separation are apparently common, as well as rhyme, so I took them and iambic pentameter for this not-really-a-Tang-quatrain.

Tropes, Dopes, and Culture Worriers - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Tropes, Dopes, and Culture Worriers


I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. 


-Tolkien, from a letter rebuking a German publisher, 1938



One does not imagine Tolkien schlubbing about

In a garish cartoon tee and baggy shorts

A Glock strapped to his 50-inch waist

Shopping the dollar store in a Trumpy cap


One does not imagine Lewis following QAnon

Encouraging Peter to take an AR to Latin class

Or quartering the Cross of good Saint George

With a swastika’s spidering wheel of shame


Not all evil comes from outside the Shire –

Sometimes evil is our own internal desire


On the time J.R.R. Tolkien refused to work with Nazi-leaning publishers. ‹ Literary Hub (


Why does Lord of the Rings appeal to the radical right? – The Irish Times


Behind the Catholic Right’s Celebrity-Conversion Industrial Complex | Vanity Fair

Thoughts of Home from Behind the Wire - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Thoughts of Home from Behind the Wire


Over the South China Sea


We could see China past the portside wing

The forbidden land of our enemy

Who encouraged the Viet-Cong in our destruction

But allowed us peaceably to pass


Refueling in Japan


We could see Japan from behind chain-link fencing

The industrial land of an ally now

They sold us tape recorders and radios

And airplane fuel from beyond the wire


Thank you for your service


Honored fighters for freedom almost home from the wars

Penned freely behind pig wire and gates and bars

My Grandfather's Hayfield - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


My Grandfather’s Hayfield


From my own fields I can hear the band

The high school marching band, oom-pah, oom-pah

From several miles away, with merry songs

and merry cheers around the homecoming bonfire


That was my grandfather’s hayfield in my youth

Before the town and school replaced the past

The shaking baling machine compressing grass

Where the team captain gives his whup ‘em speech


I found a terrapin where the cheerleaders dance

From my own fields I can see my youth

The White Lady of the Well - a senryu


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The White Lady of the Well


She visits at dusk

She’s watching you;

                                 turn around -

She’s just over there

Thursday, September 12, 2024

We Have all Written Poems about September - and, yes, this is a poem about September

 Lawrence Hall, HSG


We Have all Written Poems about September



(Not applicable on that half the planet where September is a springtime month)


(Certain taxes and fees might apply)


(Offer void where prohibited)


(Some assembly required)


Everyone writes poetry about September

The cooling of the summer-sun-beaten earth

A few more hummingbirds with maps of Mexico

A first leaf skittering across the grassy lane


The sky looks a little different somehow

A fresh breeze rises with the gentle dawn

Sitting outside at dusk is comfortable now

Notebook and pen are easier to the hand


Everyone writes poetry about September

As every worker and dreamer ought to do

We Have All Written Poems about September - and, yes, this is a poem about September


Lawrence Hall, HSG


We Have all Written Poems about September



(Not applicable on that half the planet where September is a springtime month)


(Certain taxes and fees might apply)


(Offer void where prohibited)


(Some assembly required)


Everyone writes poetry about September

The cooling of the summer-sun-beaten earth

A few more hummingbirds with maps of Mexico

A first leaf skittering across the grassy lane


The sky looks a little different somehow

A fresh breeze rises with the gentle dawn

Sitting outside at dusk is comfortable now

Notebook and pen are easier to the hand


Everyone writes poetry about September

As every worker and dreamer ought to do

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

For English Pick Up the Anglophone - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


For English Pick Up the Anglophone


For English pick up the Anglophone

For French the Francophone

For others in Canada the Allophone

          (“‘Allo! ‘Allo!”)

For Mandarin or Cantonese the Sinophone

For Portugal the Lusophone

In Deutschland perhaps the Deutschesphone

          (or perhaps not)

And in Russia the Russophone


Please phone in, everyone


Because isn’t it wonderful -

So many phones, and each with a direct line to God

Monday, September 9, 2024

Li Po Writes to us from his Mountain - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Li Po Writes to us from his Mountain


Li Po, “Ancient Air,” p. 84

A Book of Luminous Things, ed. Czeslaw Milosz


We read of the poets of China

In the days of the Golden Tang

In the time of The Gathering of Kings

When The Silk Road carried dreams


Government officials were the poets

And poets were the government officials

Who knew The Five Classics by heart

And wrote of China in Tang quatrains


They were writing to the Emperor

And now they are writing to us

Sunday, September 8, 2024

God in the Hands of Angry Sinners - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


God in the Hands of Angry Sinners


As Jonathan Edwards did not say


How do they find so much hatred in their Book?


Why do they bind their scriptures and themselves

In anger, duct tape, and camouflage

Why do they raise high the AR and their fists

Instead of salvation and the Holy Cross?


Where do they find so much hatred in their Book?


Why have they abandoned the altars of Truth

For the flagpole idolatry of the pagan state

In coven-circles facing each other and a pole

Like Canaanites and their wooden Asherim?


Why do they find so much hatred in their Book?


If they would look beyond their own perimeter wire

They would see

A Maiden dancing

            In Galilee

For Booger-Dog of Happy Memory - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


For Booger-Dog of Happy Memory


And for his pet human Max


The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog.


-George Graham Vest


His fuzzy little bed is empty today

His dinner is untasted, his water bowl full

Awaiting his ungentlemanly slurps

And his favorite toy seems lonely and lost


He will not claim space on my pillow tonight

Nor chase dream rabbits while cuddling with me

Nor lick my nose to wake me up at…

(Geez, Booger, do you know what time it is!?)

Leaping and barking to be allowed outside


He will not bound into the kitchen at dawn

Happily barking his joy unto God

Circling and snuffling for his breakfast treat

A bit of bacon or egg from a loving hand


Because his brave little soul has flown

To wait for me at the foot of that glorious Throne

Friday, September 6, 2024

Cleaning a Metaphorical Rifle - short poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Cleaning a Metaphorical Rifle


The Detachable Magazine Holds Ten Lines


There is no such thing as an unloaded word

And once a word has left the barrel it’s gone

You cannot call it back – were you sure of your aim?

Draft Beer, Not Students - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Draft Beer, Not Students


A slogan from the 1960s


In illo tempore:


A young man swaggers across the ‘versity quad

Smoking a Marlboro or affecting a pipe

‘Way cool in his sports coat and turtleneck

Shakespeare or physics held loosely in his hand


A young woman passes through the ‘versity quad

Smoking a Parliament or checking her mirror

‘Way cool in her pencil skirt and layered look

Shakespeare or physics held closely to her heart


Sed in tempore nostro:


Pronouns galumph across the ‘versity squad

One fist raised in hate, the other clutching a glowing box

Thursday, September 5, 2024

You are not a Banana - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


You are not a Banana


Sticker Not, Lest Ye be Stickered


A banana bears a sticker to say it is a banana

(The banana, that is, not the paper sticker)

Even though a banana is obviously a banana

(It has a yellow skin and some squashy stuff inside)


If we take the banana sticker from the banana

And stick the ticker to a tomato

The tomato is not then a banana

However much someone claims it so


Sticking sticky stickers to humans is also wrong

A man is himself; a woman is herself

If we stick a sticky sticker to a human

As a joke, well, that’s just a bit of fun


But if as a judgement then we are false witnesses


Stickers, nothing but stickers, excuses

Failures of intellect, truth, and caritas

Stickers are two-dimensional; they have no depth

Stickers are useless even on bananas


And our brothers and sisters are not bananas

Barefootin' Among Watermelons on a Summer Afternoon - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Barefootin’ Among Watermelons on a Summer Afternoon


For J. W., His Dad, and His Uncle Brandon


J. W. is blessed with family and purpose and love

Guided study and chores and structured faith

Happy barefootin’ days among the watermelons

A fishing pole and buzzing-bee summer afternoons

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Feeding the Squirrels and Birds at Dawn - very short poem

 Lawrence Hall, HSG


Feeding the Squirrels and Birds at Dawn


A squirrel sits upon a little mound of corn

And faces the east with its nimble forepaws

Clasped gently together as if in prayer