Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Russians are Burying Secret Spy Underwear all over America - column (a weak one, I'm afraid)

Mack Hall, HSG

The Russians are Burying Secret Spy Underwear all over America

England’s Telegraph ( advises us that if you want to know how good your soil is for farming and ranching, bury your undies.

Presumably the farmer owns a spare pair.

Okay, this all sounds wholly Texas A & M-ish, but in England and Scotland farmers bury their cotton unmentionables about the place and then dig them up two months later. If the garment is bio-degraded then the soil is full of bacteria and worms and bugs and sophomores, and so healthy for crops.

If the short-shorts are intact, that bit of land is not the best place for disposing of the body.

The object for soil-testing must be cotton, and none of yer laboratory Frankenstein materials.

This agricultural news comes to you from England, Scotland, and California. The California variant is that they bury a World Series pennant and dig it up after a year.

+ + +

Canada has a new Governor General, and when you observe her mannerisms and hear her speech (, you will be grateful that governors general no longer enjoy any real power.

The new Governor General and our President will probably be twooter Space Invaders combatants pretty soon: “Stand by photon torpedoes, Mr. Scott!”

By the way, the new GG is an astronaut. For real. She has some super accomplishments on her resume’, but this loopy, chiding, Ms. Grundy-ish first speech is awkward.

+ + +

This week I have concluded that “fake news” means any information that makes me unhappy, “Fascist” is anyone who disagrees with me, “Communist” is anyone who disagrees with me more, anything that is wrong in this nation is the fault of the Russians and / or the Ukrainians, and that for our executive and legislative branches of government name-calling and twooting abuse at each other on the InterGossip like 12-year-olds is what passes for civic discourse.

Given this crisis of confidence in the Republic, I, like any good American, have this 501C question to ask of the world: where do I sign up to be bribed by the Russians and / or Ukrainians?


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