Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Only You Mustn't Say "Corona" Now - poem

Lawrence Hall

Only You Mustn’t Say “Corona” Now

Last night, the moon had a golden ring

-Longfellow, “The Wreck of the Hesperus”

Tonight the moon has a silver ring, a crown
A corona, and a corona of stars
Only you mustn’t say “corona” now
Not even if you want a glass of beer

When windy March began, the pestilence
As in the news, and trouble was anticipated
We all bought toilet paper and canned meat
And sanitizer in cute little pumps

Futility. The world itself has changed
But still the moon enthroned is crowned with stars


Verlie Burroughs said...

Ah yes. Thankful for the moon and poets!

Lawrence Hall, HSG said...

And beer!

Corona is a popular Mexican beer; I don't know if you have it up there among the ice floes.

Verlie Burroughs said...

Yes we do! I had a can for my birthday. It was good.