Sunday, April 25, 2021

Kryptonite Rocks and Invisible Magic Coins - Weekly Column


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Kryptonite Rocks and Invisible Magic Coins


Most ideas are merely structures – things built on bits of knowledge and insight you already possess. If the knowledge you possess is in error, the structure will be flawed.


-John D. McDonald, “Reading for Survival”



In my youth comic book ads offered mail-order invisible helmets, sea monkeys, x-ray glasses, jet planes you could actually fly, kryptonite rocks, nuclear submarines, machine guns, army tanks, life-size moon monsters, hypno-coins, frontier cabins, silent dog whistles, time machines, and Count Dante’s Deadly Fighting Secrets, all really-real!


This was pretty stupid stuff, but it was directed at naïve children, and sold well for generations. An adult, of course, should see through such mummery.


Unfortunately, many do not. Adults continue to buy this century’s invisible helmets offered in new forms.


A modern variant of x-ray glasses and kryptonite rocks are invisible magic coins.


The sales patter is that modern fiat money has no value, and so we should all invest in invisible magic coins. These invisible magic coins are generated by computers grinding away in their circuitry for hours. After the computers have spun millions of numbers around within themselves they come up with things that don’t exist, and those who control the computers propose to sell to us these things that don’t exist.


And how does the awe-struck victim buy invisible magic coins? Why, with that worthless fiat money.


The victim fails to consider that if invisible magic coins possess value, and fiat money does not, then the possessor of the invisible magic coins would hang on to the invisible magic coins and leave everyone else to their fiat money.


You don’t need x-ray glasses to see through invisible magic coins because they don’t exist. They are magic beans, the emperor’s new clothes, a fortune teller’s readings, a political party’s promises, magic crystals, your rich uncle in Nigeria, the South Sea Bubble, the Great Texas Emu Bubble, the Dot.Com Bubble, Enron, and whatever Next Big Thing is being peddled this week.


You might as well invest in one of those old comic book hypno-coins; you’d at least have a disc of pot-metal or plastic with a swirly image. You could look into it and say to yourself, “You are getting smarter…smarter…smarter…get a job…a job…a job…”






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