Thursday, March 31, 2022

High-Speed Space Chatter - a bit of goofy free verse "ripped from the headlines" and blah-blah


Lawrence Hall


High-Speed Space Chatter


laser focus absolutely mission control

a very brief hold okay The Roaring Twenties

Ready to go final checks revs up

I can’t wait to see auto-sequence


We’ve entered a brief hold our teams will assess

we’ll be right back that hold has been released

ladies and gentlemen it is time Godspeed

we’re handing it over to mission control


our four human flight crew Godspeed

on its way to speece space


mego way to go! They just became official astronauts Carmen line well into space apogee returning from space fins all earning their keep really doing some work what an incredible sight out there critical step sonic boom man! Was that incredible! I just love hearing that sound! Touchdown New Shepherd! Welcome back to earth all I can say Jackie is wow! Will take your breath away there’s nothing like it right above that feather beginning to dump propellants that’s a key there go the main parachutes! For the Roaring Twenties crew flying today from the blackness of space to standby touchdown the West Texas desert standby touchdown standby touchdown standby touchdown Wooo!  Wooo! Official U.S. astronauts...

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