Saturday, March 12, 2022

Shifting the Clockfoolery Forward - poem


Lawrence Hall


Shifting the Clockfoolery Forward


“Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.”




This is the day we search out all the clocks:


Two in the den (in which no animals live)

One in the kitchen above the dishy sink

One in the dining room (it chimes the hours)

          (the clock, I mean; dining rooms do not chime)

One in the living room next to the piano

Five in the bedroom (I have no idea why)

          (Unless I should count clocks instead of sheep)

One in the guest bathroom (its battery is dead)

One in the guest room for guests to see

Three in my office (Mr. Spock tells time)

One on the patio for wasps to buzz

And all the old watches which are not smart


And pointlessly push them forward an hour


We often seem to be searching for time

But perhaps it is time who is searching for us

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