Sunday, July 24, 2022

A Certain Bipedal Species (us) Returns to the Primordial Muck - self-censored poem


Lawrence Hall


A Certain Bipedal Species (us) Returns to the Primordial Muck


(The Self-Censored Version)


A visit with old friends from long ago

The conversation soon turned to ___ and ___

They compared their ___ head to toe

___ ___ and ___ ___


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ embrace

A ___ that never ___ – oh, ick, that ooze!

The price of each ___  ___ ___  disgrace

Discussed in ___  grunts and ___ moos


So I left early for fear


The next topic might be (this is just a hunch)

About which visiting human to cook for lunch

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