Sunday, July 30, 2023

Our Congress - Lost in Space: weekly column 30 July 2023


Lawrence Hall


Our Congress – Lost in Space


Our United States Congress, apparently having little to do, has been holding hearings (or hearing holdings) on UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena), which used to be known as UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). Although they’re not the same thing they are they same thing [What Is a UAP? Explaining the UFO Hearings in Congress. (].


Former Air Force major David Grusch is now a whistleblower (with a real Sergeant Preston of the Yukon whistle?) who has whistleblown to Congress that the U. S. government has for decades been collecting and reverse-engineering data from crashed spacecraft but covering it all up. He also alleges that the Vatican in collusion with Mussolini and the United States government has been hiding evidence of spaceships and the body parts of spacemen for some ninety years [Ex-Intel Officer Who Says US Has Proof of Aliens Made Wild Claims Before (].


The major has no proof of any of this, but he says he has talked with people who have seen the “non-human biologics” (dead spacemen) and parts salvaged from spaceships.


The galloping major did not mention any Lizard People.


Possibly Congress will next form a committee to investigate the rumor that if you read Little House on the Prairie backward you will hear a satanic message from The Mamas and the Papas. And then there’s the pizza parlor in D.C. that receives secret shortwave messages from the Mole People in their tunnels beneath Oak Island. The pepperoni are then positioned in a code that only the Illuminaughty can understand. I’m risking my life in telling you this, but watch the pepperoni. The fate of Western Civilization depends upon it! Watch the pepperoni!


This nation boasts both The United States Space Command [the united states space command - Search (] and The United States Space Force [the united states space force - Search (], both with uniforms and marching songs and anthems and badges, but probably the spaciest of all are some of the far, far out honorable ladies and honorable gentlemen of Congress.





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