Monday, July 3, 2023

What's the Name of my Bank this Week? weekly column 18 June 2023


Lawrence Hall, HSG


What’s the Name of my Bank this Week?


The elected board of trustees of Big City School District is considering re-naming (for a price – cha-ching!) their football stadium. It’s for the children.


Names of businesses, streets, schools, statues, and other private and public entities change often according to political fashions and financial influences. One generation’s heroes are the next generation’s ratfinks, which keeps artists, sculptors, and crane operators busy shifting statues around and making new ones to replace the old ones.


As for banks, a friend once suggested they might as well put up their signs with Velcro® since they buy and sell and trade and devour each other almost with the changes of seasons.


Two or three name changes ago I stopped in the drive-through to cash a small check and the televised teller asked me if I had an account with their famously family friendly bank. I looked at the new sign and replied, “I’m not sure. I had an account with a different bank that used to be in this building.” Yeah, I had to show lots of I.D. for that smart remark.


The selling of naming right for sports venues has become so common that the practice might be extended to other areas of human endeavor.


Your street might be renamed Acme Computers Avenue on a yearly lease.


You could sell naming rights applied to your children: Mme. Sniffly Perfume Collection Tiffany, Smith Lumber Company Kyle, and Gigantic Consolidated Industries Juan.


Your hunting dogs could be Mega Electrics Pete, Ponsonby Shopping Mall Molly, and Slick Tire Company Red.


As for the elected board of Big City ISD, one wonders if they have ever considered naming their stadium after those who paid more for its construction and still more for its upkeep more than any sody water company or car dealership, maybe something like The Hardworking Taxpayer Stadium.




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