Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Gravitas of Our Vice-Presidential Candidates - poem (of a sort)


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Gravitas of our Vice-Presidential Candidates


In the end it was the worst speaker of the lot who received the most applause. People made no effort to follow him and merely roared approval at his every word…


Doctor Zhivago, p. 36


Like high school boys behind the old school gym

In micturic dispute about distance and size

Two men exchange puerile scurrilities

A pair of puffed-up potty-mouthed posers


They know all about army guns ‘n’ stuff

Each hero manque’ stuffier than the other

About their ranks and tanks and thousand-yard-stares

And whose AR is the bigger one


Like high school boys behind the old school gym –

And why must we the people put up with them?

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