Sunday, July 21, 2019

Thirteen Reasons Why NOT - a timely re-post

Lawrence Hall

Thirteen Reasons Why Not

We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny.
But what we put into it is ours.
-Dag Hammarskjold

1. God made you; you can never be replaced
2. God made you for some purpose – live to find it
3. Someone is blessed each day in knowing you
4. You must live so that others may live
5. Someone desperately needs your kindness right now
6. You haven’t yet written your book, your story, your
7. When you offer up your suffering, you help others
8. Children running barefoot through the flowers of
9. Children running barefoot through the leaves of
10. Dachshund puppies. And children. And flowers. And leaves
11. Coffee and a talk with a good friend
12. Breakfast and the Sunday morning funnies
13. That space in the pew God has saved for you

-from Coffee and a Dead Alligator to Go

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