Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Dancer on the Garbage Truck - poem

Lawrence Hall

The Dancer on the Garbage Truck

He lightly leaped from the old garbage truck
Waved back at me, and sprinted to the bin
He Fred Astaired it as a pas de deux
And lifted it up with panther-like grace

The battered bin - it could have been: Ginger,
Leslie Caron, or maybe Cyd Charisse
He was a muscled young dancer who made
Even tipping the garbage a work of art

He lightly leaped to the old garbage truck
Waved me good-bye, and danced the day away


wk kortas said...

Why Busby Berkeley never worked with trash bins is a mystery to me.

Lawrence Hall, HSG said...

And then Gene Kelly with a broom. And a mouse.