Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Woke Editing of Brother Robert Frost - weekly column

(Transferring this drivel to the InterGossip made a mess of the formatting, but it was pretty much a mess before it got here.)

Lawrence Hall

A Woke Editing of Brother Robert Frost

Several statues of Robert Frost grace our land, none of which has yet been mistaken for a Confederate general, but hey, that’s coming.

In anticipation of sculptures of one of our greatest poets being supplanted by animatronic images of, oh, Lenin or Stalin or Miley Cyrus’ get-thee-hence twerking for the cause of understanding that the coronavirus was here first, we must re-write Robert Frost for the sensitivities of the year of the common era 2020. Herein follows a Robert Frost poem beaten into submission and correct thought.


Stopping Without Permission
by The People’s Scientific Forest on a Global Warming Evening

Whose Collective Scientific Forest this is we think we know
Their Kolkhoz is in The People’s Village, though
They will not see us slacking off our assigned labors unsupervised
To watch The People’s Collective Scientific Forest fill up with global warming

Our collective’s little horse must think it somewhat un-soviet
To stop without The People’s Assigned Living Spaces near
Between The People’s Collective Scientific Forest and global warming lake
The least comradely evening of the second year of our latest five-year-plan

He / She / They gives his / her / their Red Star harness bells a shake
To accuse us of some un-comradely lapse in focusing on our delegated purpose
The only other sound’s the Woodcutters’ Collective Choir, singing our new
          international anthem, Comrade Lennon’s “Imagine,”
And global warming wind and Twitter directives

The Collective Scientific Forest is utilitarian and properly gridded, and serves
          The Working People
But we have our comradely oaths and work assignments to keep
And kilometers to go before we take our assigned rest in our assigned bunks
And kilometers to go before we take our assigned rest in our assigned bunks
