Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Bees Disapprove of Us - poem

Lawrence Hall

Bees Disapprove of Us

There’s nothing the bees care to learn from us
We talk to them anyway in our idleness
Having put away the hose or the rake
We’re in the mood to gab for a little while

But Calvinist bees fly impatiently by
From flower to water to office-hive
To check their quotas and hum their reports
Then speed back to their favorite flowered fields

They disapprove of us indolent men
And so rebuke us for our slothy sin


v e r l i e b u r r o u g h s said...

And we take their honey too. Boo hoo.

v e r l i e b u r r o u g h s said...

I don't know why my identity switched with this new iPad but at least I didn't have to go through the robot drill.

v e r l i e b u r r o u g h s said...

I hope to figure out who I am eventually, maybe settle down,
start a blog.

Lawrence Hall, HSG said...

Aha! You're the secret Canadian spy hoping to divert attention from our president's double-plus-clever plot to make our enemies think he's demented when in fact he is only pretending to be demented so he can steal Canada's secret plans to build stealth birch-bark canoes for infiltrating the Great Lakes and landing commandos to take over our super-duper secret computer chip factories in Muleshoe, Texas!

Verlie Burroughs said...

There's three of me here now on blogger and one of me has a new blog!