Thursday, October 20, 2022

Crazy Old Men with Rockets 'n' Bombs - poem


Lawrence Hall


Crazy Old Men with Rockets ‘n’ Bombs


When you read to your brother or sister

A go-to-sleep book about bunnies and stars

You are healing a wound in Creation

Made by some malevolent old man


When you sing along with the washing machine

And help your MeeMaw up those tricky stairs

You are healing a wound in Creation

Made by some malevolent old man


When you sit on the steps late at night

And watch a pirate ship sail close by the moon

You are healing a wound in Creation

Made by some malevolent old man


When you pray for the bombed-out refugees

And put a little extra in the collection plate

You are healing a wound in Creation

Made by some malevolent old man


When you sing a song to the universe

It remains in the heavens forever




You helped heal a wound in Creation

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