Saturday, October 15, 2022

Reported Side Effects Include... - poem


Lawrence Hall


Reported Side Effects Include…


After a dose a sudden nap-attack

A sour afternoon of sour dreamful sleep

Unhappy sour imaginings among sour pains

Feverishly sour and dizzily sour


Feverishly up and dizzily up

To watch the feverishly sour news

Sour Putin parked nuclear bombers in my head

Is Nancy really threatening to punch Donald?




I’ll verify with Lester Holt tomorrow

For now I’m clinging to my sour sorrow


v e r l i e b u r r o u g h s said...

Hell yeah. This is sourly familiar. And yes, I’d love to see Nancy sucker-punch the former guy.
I finally found my password. I see I have a lot of catching up to do!

Lawrence Hall, HSG said...


Medications (prescribed!) are good for us, but sometimes the side effects are an adventure.

I can't abide either of those unhappy people. The Republican / Democrat thing is a false dichotomy; both parties have failed to present the electorate with honorable, competent candidates. This is not unlike the two unhappy young persons who did a Nazi / Taliban thing on a Van Gogh painting and set another false dichotomy, Van Gogh or oil. (I'm for Van Gogh, oil, and sunflowers, by the way; we can have 'em all.)