Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Flying to London on Nitrous Oxide - poem

 Lawrence Hall


Flying to London on Nitrous Oxide


For Dr. Armstrong


Doctor A. has dropped a black cloth over my eyes

As if I were facing a firing squad in a vinyl chair

An uncomfortable vinyl chair

The firing squad is not in the chair; I am


How silly to think of a firing squad in a vinyl chair I mean how would they all fit, eh


I give the finger to an oxygen thingie

And air is piped into my itchy nose

scratch scratch

“I’m turning the nitrous on now, just let me know…”

What shall I think about during dentistry…?


A holiday in London long ago

I’m walking along crowded Oxford Street

A motor-scooter cop is writing a ticket

For a tiny little car that’s double-parked


Across the street is a used-book shop

I want to browse the old Oxford editions


But first I’ll find breakfast

I’ll find breakfast

I’ll find breakfast

(oh that one’s only a little ouch)

And what a happy breakfast!

In this little café with windows all steamed

And I find a seat among the shoppers and workers and shoppers and workers and the nice English waitress is from Viet-Nam and I was in Viet-Nam and she is still from Viet-Nam I was only in Viet-Nam and she is very English and writes on a pad eggs and sausages and toast and eggs and sausages and toast and after breakfast I’ll walk across Oxford Street for Oxford Books I can see in the dusty window and the nice English waitress takes my order for eggs and sausages and toast and somehow I never get across Oxford Street to browse the Oxford books because “I’m switching you back to Oxford oxygen now and you’re all done just sit there for a few minutes” and she wipes the drool off my chin and the ordinary air hisses through the nasal cannula and I feel a little fuzzy and I’m not in London and there are no eggs and sausages and toast but yes I can stand now and yes just go see Erin at the front for the paperwork and then I’ll ride in the passenger seat to Jack in the Box for some sort of golly-gee-whiz breakfast swaddled in paper and coffee in a paper cup which I will have to chew and swallow on the right because my left is all numb and I’ll dribble on myself and I wish I were in London but I’m not but coffee from Jack in the Box after being NPO after midnight is okay too…

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