Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Return of "The Yellow Peril" - weekly column, 11.21.19

Lawrence Hall, HSG

The Return of “The Yellow Peril”

The Chinese are out to disease white people out of existence. It must be true; it’s on the InterGossip at

To anyone who managed to pass the sixth grade such a Jack Chick-y fantasy is down there in an intellectual gutter with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the C.I.A. inventing A.I.D.S., anti-vaxxing, man-made global warming, and The Lizard People.

The problem with the first amendment is the same as with all the other amendments: freedom by its nature requires rational thought and rational behavior. Flickering images and noises on a little screen won’t get it done.

The article in question states that “China has the genomic sequence of every single person that’s been gene typed in the U.S., and they’re developing bioweapons that only affect Caucasians.”

Yes, and that information is stored in a super-secret bunker bat cave two miles below the surface of Oak Island, Nova Scotia, and is guarded by a phalanx of albino monks with glowing red eyes.

Caucasians, who mostly are not from the Caucasus, are just as human as anyone else. More than that, all races are mixed up more than a dog’s breakfast. “Caucasian” is a catch-all and useless term for white people, who aren’t really white and who live in all sorts of places, including China. “Chinese” is almost as pointless as “Caucasian” because some 56 different ethnic groups live in China (

There can be no racial selective bio-weapon because we are all humans. Even people who believe in lizard people.

In sum, racial theories are bogus, just as bogus as believing the drivel that flows from the InterGossip in violation of reason, caritas, and the 9th Commandment.

And, really, why would China want to off their biggest market for all the stuff we used to make for ourselves?

When we consider the news reports of crimes, domestic violence, car crashes, drug deaths, murders, child abuse, homelessness, and the financial hemorrhage of billions of dollars annually to countries who despise us we must conclude that the only dangers to ourselves are ourselves.

Heck, the last two weeks of impeachment hearings alone constitute a national suicide watch in themselves.

And no Chinese were involved.


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