Thursday, November 28, 2019

The True, Real Meaning of Thanksgiving, and, Like, S...tuff - not exactly a poem

Lawrence Hall

The True, Real Meaning of Thanksgiving, and, Like, S…tuff

On the GossipNet:

You don’t know what the real meaning of Thanksgiving is the Pilgrims were wicked the Pilgrims were sent by God the Indians were wicked the First Nations were living Green Squanto was a Catholic no he wasn’t Squanto was a Canadian there was no Canada You don’t understand the real meaning of Thanksgiving colonialist genocide religious freedom you don’t know history the Pilgrims were intolerant if only these here schools taught history I blame the Catholics…

Around the Table:

My latest surgery you don’t understand YOU KIDS SIT DOWN WE’RE ABOUT TO HAVE THE BLESSING, D*** IT! the pain no you can’t tell me nothin’ about pain YOU KIDS NEED TO LET THE ADULTS TALK! now just a little turkey because YOU KIDS SIT UP STRAIGHT! of my bowel movements YOU KIDS NEED TO BE GRATEFUL; WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE…! now just a little dressing because OF COURSE YOU CAN LEAVE THE TABLE AND GO WATCH CARTOONS I’LL GET YOU SOMETHING FROM THE SONIC LATER of my blood sugar levels well WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING IN THERE!? maybe just a little cornbread because DID YOU FLUSH!? of my weight loss program DON’T MAKE ME COME IN THERE AND WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP D*** IT! that was on Oprah ONE…TWO….DON’T MAKE ME GO TO THREE! NO I MEAN IT THIS TIME ONE…! let me tell you about it well HE DIDN’T MEAN TO BREAK IT AND IT’S NOT AN EXPENSIVE PIECE maybe just a little iced tea but no I KNOW THIS TIME IT’S FOREVER AND HE LOVES TRAY-BOY LIKE HE WAS HIS OWN SON sweetener because a quaint native healer from India THAT’S IT YOU KIDS GIT YOUR ASSES OUTIDE! says that tea is a cultural appropriation YES MY LITTLE HONEY BUNNY I KNOW YOU DIDN’T MEAN TO HURT THE PUPPY and that sugar is a fascist symbol of white male oligarchical dietary oppression GAMMAH THAT’S ENOUGH WINE DON’T YOU THINK…so like we’re raising the kids to be spiritual but not religious…OH S*** WHAT DID YOU GET INTO…!!!


Giving thanks? Sure, whatever you say
(I just wish these people would go away)

1 comment:

Verlie Burroughs said...

This is too funny, and so familiar. I am not a robot...