Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Two Days Before Surgery - poem

Lawrence Hall


Waiting. Waiting. Clerks in cubicles
Fluorescent lights. And then drive somewhere else
And wait there. Plastic chairs. Fabric chairs. Chairs
Waiting. Benches there. Plastic chairs. Chairs. Chairs

Waiting. Waiting. More forms to complete. Chairs
Fluorescent lights. Clerks in cubicles. Chairs
“Will you step this way…” Chairs. Forms. Plastic chairs
Waiting. “Any other medications…?”

Waiting. Waiting. Stale mechanical air
Fluorescent lights. “And won’t you have a chair…”

1 comment:

Verlie Burroughs said...

Hope you're okay! This is why I don't go to the Dr's office. When you are really hurting the last thing you want to do is be 'seated'. Especially when you just want to be out walking the dog or cutting the lawn or worse writing poetry. Hope all goes well.