Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Virus-Free Haircut in Honor of the Governor of Texas - poem

Lawrence Hall

A Virus-Free Haircut in Honor of the Governor of Texas

And in memory of Harry and Shorty Driskill,
Our little town’s barbers in the long-ago

A haircut today – my wolfman look is shorn
The virus-time follicles set to rights
Follies and follicles, the locks of lockdown
A-tumbling down in coarse, unseemly waves

The haircut lady continues a narrative
Begun two months before, a local scandal
Unmasked (as are we) to the buzz of the shears
“And I’d tell the governor where he can go…!”

My hair…

In isolation so long embedded -
But suddenly, now, I feel light-headed!

(A shortcoming of lady barbers is that their shops do not feature pictures of poker-playing dogs.)

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