Friday, May 15, 2020

An Up-to-Date Darwinian Squeaks, Speaks, Thunders, and Harrumphs - poem

Lawrence Hall

An Up-to-Date Darwinian Squeaks, Speaks, Thunders, and Harrumphs

“…we’re going to get science applied to social problems and backed by the whole power of the state…”

-Mark Studdock in C. S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength

Well, they were old; they needed to die, okay?
The children are immune, well, mostly immune
We won’t lose many of them, and we’ve got more
Let herd immunity sort them all out

Follow the science

Follow the science - we’ve got this new vaccine
We’ll try it out on the bedridden first
And old malarial pills for the veterans
Take another bullet for your country, guys

Follow the science

As for me

I sold my stocks early at an awesome rate
And now I Zoom™ science from my country estate

Obey The Science

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