Friday, July 24, 2020

A Celebration of Water-Hose Clamps - poem

Lawrence Hall

A Celebration of Water-Hose Clamps

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.”

― Cicero 1

Poets have been mysteriously silent 2
On the subject of water-hose clamps
Small cylinders or rings, threaded for compression
In mending or nozzling a garden hose

Thus if you have a clamp, you have a hose
In need of mending, and if you have a hose
You have a garden in need of watering
And if you have a garden, you are much blest

And in your garden you can drowse over a book
While meditating upon water-hose clamps



1 comment:

Verlie Burroughs said...

Only a real gardener could write a poem about hose clamps.