Saturday, July 25, 2020

Old Pete, a Mighty Hunter Before the Lord - poem

Lawrence Hall

Old Pete, a Mighty Hunter Before the Lord

A cigar box of childhood photographs
And there he is, that mighty courser – Old Pete
Thunder-Tail-Thumper, pal of barefoot boys
Chaser of rabbits and tasty table scraps

Always up for a ramble to the pond
In the day-dreamy midsummer heat
Where I pole-fished for perch, and good old Pete
Drowsed in the shade, and looked at me with love

I buried him under his favorite oak
Where, with eternity, he waits for me


Verlie Burroughs said...

Lucky old Pete, he had a good run. I just had my Mom's poodle 'Mitzi' who I had to protect from the strays when we went for a walk, they thought? she was something to chase in her fancy French cut. Wild times!

Verlie Burroughs said...

PS your blog is much more interesting than anything on Hello Poetry this fine Saturday morning.

Lawrence Hall, HSG said...

You are too kind!

A childhood without critters is incomplete.