Thursday, December 2, 2021

Children and Machine Gun Dreams - poem


Lawrence Hall

 Children and Machine Gun Dreams

By word and example…parents lead their children to authentic freedom, actualized in the sincere gift of self, and they cultivate in them respect for others, a sense of justice, cordial openness, dialogue, generous service, solidarity, and all the other values which help people to live life as a gift.

-St. John Paul the Great, Evangelium Vitae


Do we sing to our children machine gun dreams

Instead of sugar plums? Little sleepyheads

Now tucked away into their little beds

In matching camouflage blankies and sheets


Do children code messages to Santa asking him

For Barbie’s Bunker all accessorized

With guns and knives properly pint-sized

And Super Sniper Skipper and Recon Ken?


Do children hide bayonets beneath their coats

And measure the distance to their classmates’ throats?

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