Sunday, December 12, 2021

December Tornadoes - weekly column, 12 December 2021


Lawrence Hall, HSG


December Tornadoes


In this often cynical world we still find people whose greatest joy is to go and help other people without any thought of personal compensation. As soon as the news about the December tornadoes flashed across the news groups of good men and women, often associated with churches, saddled up and rode to the sound of need.


They are taking food, water, blankets, and other assistance to the displaced, and bringing their chainsaws, loaders, and other power equipment for clearing debris from roads and property so they can help the locals jump-start the years-long process of rebuilding their homes, businesses, and lives.


The rest of us can help by contributing wisely – wisely – to these worthy small organizations.


Two unhappy truths require us to be careful about financial aid: (1) some of the large, legendary, famous-name-brand charitable groups are not what they used to be, and (2) any smarmy scoundrel can access the InterGossip, build an attractive, professional-appearing site, and start soliciting dollars that will never buy the first bottle of water or the first blanket for the displaced.


The best option always is to contribute through your own church or a small local charity you know well. Indeed, it may well be that your church or club puts together working parties for just such emergencies, and there is where you can give.


The need is real. Remember that most of the victims were working the night shift in factories and warehouses, and others were in nursing homes and sometime just at home. They weren’t paying big bucks to take rocket ship rides or for vacations in Biarritz; they were working so their children could have a Christmas. Most of them had little; now many of them have nothing.


And, after all, they helped us after the hurricanes. We can do no less.


We can all give a little something so that everyone has a hot meal and warm place to sleep, and that the children can have presents under the Christmas tree after all.



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