Friday, December 10, 2021

Offenders - poem


Lawrence Hall




to St. Jude – a petition for prisoners


In the system they’re called offenders

No one knows why; the offenses are over

Concrete dorms, three-high bunks, white uniforms

And overhead the sting of fluorescents


I’m not going all Pollyanna here

All of them know the poisonous passions of meth

The stench of blood, the sting of fluorescents

In fearing eyes in a gas station at night


The stench of cells, the sting of fluorescents

In glaring eyes in the booking area at night

Humiliations, transports, stripped and searched

Form a straight line with hands behind your backs


But still, a man’s a man


The difference between a man inside the wire

And a man outside the wire

Is often only that one man is inside the wire

And the other man is outside the wire


“For all have sinned…”


Christmas is coming


Will there be a letter from home?


St. Jude, help all of us to be better men


In spite of ourselves

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